Saturday, April 26, 2014
Move on !!
I was in a shell. Thoughts swallowed me. In fact there was no me - but only thoughts.
Eat, think, work, think, browse , eat, sleep. What a lousy routine ! No play, no exercise, and thanks to that - have a hard earned tummy too !!
This of those phases in life which almost makes us believe that we have lost it completely. And we argue with ourselves each and every day to prove that we have no reason to be happy .
But yes - it was damn lie. It's true that I have lost something. But I haven't lost everything. The heart still pounds pretty well and the beats are strong enough to take me through.
Guys... If you are going through an ugly phase, keep calm and go through it, instead of succumbing and falling short of your finish line. Yes it may hurt, but always remember, this one too will pass through. The result is - a stronger you ! :)
The colorful side of life is waiting just for you !!
cheers !!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
CWG dreams..

The ongoing CWG has proved to be a golden edition for Indian athletics. When was the last time we heard that an Indian has bagged a gold medal
in an international event of this stature? After 5 decades of long wait, India won a gold in CWG, and that too through a woman.
We had athletes who proved their mettle in the world arena. Milkha Singh,P.T Usha,Anju George...we only had few of them.
But after this CWG we can say that Indian athletics has really got a push onto the world stage.
Our women won us golds in discuss throw and 4*400 m relay. Also 1 silver and 9 bronze in total.We never expected them to do this good.
Some people , as always is the case, were quick to point out the flip sides. They said we had won it because of the pullout of the big-league stars.
So less competition favored Indians to snatch some medals. It may be true that some of the top men and women were missing out from this edition
of the games, but how come we take the credit out of our hard working athletes? It takes a lot of pain and effort especially in a country like India,
to come up and perform in a world class level. So when they had just started doing so, we dump them by citing a lack of competition.
What we all should do is to see the positive side of it. Motivate them, give a pat on their back and reward them for what they have achieved.
12 medals in athletics in a CWG was not even in the wildest dreams of any Indian. So we have to back our sportsmen who have done us proud.
Youngsters growing up will be encouraged to see their big brothers and sisters bag medals. They will be motivated to go into athletics.
Actually in contrast to countries like Australia and China, what we lack is a sports culture. They train their sportsmen from schools itself, provide them
with nutritious food and world class facilities. But in India almost 50% of the child population find it hard to fill their stomachs !!
We have got the talents. We definitely got the potential to provide them with the facilities. But some corrupt minds are not letting Indian athletics grow.
Lack of proper planning,sincere effort and some ugly corruption from the part of the so called "authorities" are depriving our children from what
they could achieve.
The mindset & the "chalega" attitude must change. Those serving this country must have some sincerity towards their work.Only then our children
will get the right platform to develop and nourish into world class athletes.
Monday, October 11, 2010
After many days of interesting & also somewhat intense "south India tour"(not much..only 2 cities hyd n blor) im bak on my bed at my home in the bootiful city of looms n lores.
Feel so relieved after coming back.But I know I'm in a do or die mode now.Next 15 days decides my career(i feel so !!).OK, lets not get into that now.This blog was not supposed to be about my shitty career.But i wanted to write something about a person....hmm....lets call that person X.
Why X & not d name? thats cozz....
1)Definitely that person may feel offensive ,me referring here.. without permission. Then u will think y not take d permission?
haha....buddy ,we r not even in talking terms.. !!!#$
2) X generally refers to an unknown variable. And that person is still "unknown" to me... I'm not able to understand X. X=????
3) X symbolizes WRONG and NOT right.
4) X is X
X "was" my friend.
But X still come in my thoughts.
that may be bcos we were really "good" friends.
I really mean it.
X & me had fight ed a lot.
our fights had lasted just 1 or 2 days.
But this one seems like it will never end.
But X was nice.
I thought we would be friends for ever.
what a fool am I.
Since X really had no emotions..
It dint matter whether I was a friend or not.
But then also X was good.
Ohhh my mukul..
why are u so kind???
"bcosss X was my friend yaar"..."Once Upon a time..
hmm..guys ..
that was some real rubbish i guess. From a jobless guy. Speaking about some X whatever...!!
Anyways..anyone who accidentally saw this blog, who spared their valuable 2 minutes to read this epic ****.... thanks.
I'll be posting some more interesting jobless stuffs very shortly(this is just a beginning.I'll show u the real heights of joblessness ) Remember to read them if u have plenty of time to waste ;-)
cheeersss ........keep smiling :-)
Feel so relieved after coming back.But I know I'm in a do or die mode now.Next 15 days decides my career(i feel so !!).OK, lets not get into that now.This blog was not supposed to be about my shitty career.But i wanted to write something about a person....hmm....lets call that person X.
Why X & not d name? thats cozz....
1)Definitely that person may feel offensive ,me referring here.. without permission. Then u will think y not take d permission?
haha....buddy ,we r not even in talking terms.. !!!#$
2) X generally refers to an unknown variable. And that person is still "unknown" to me... I'm not able to understand X. X=????
3) X symbolizes WRONG and NOT right.
4) X is X
X "was" my friend.
But X still come in my thoughts.
that may be bcos we were really "good" friends.
I really mean it.
X & me had fight ed a lot.
our fights had lasted just 1 or 2 days.
But this one seems like it will never end.
But X was nice.
I thought we would be friends for ever.
what a fool am I.
Since X really had no emotions..
It dint matter whether I was a friend or not.
But then also X was good.
Ohhh my mukul..
why are u so kind???
"bcosss X was my friend yaar"..."Once Upon a time..
hmm..guys ..
that was some real rubbish i guess. From a jobless guy. Speaking about some X whatever...!!
Anyways..anyone who accidentally saw this blog, who spared their valuable 2 minutes to read this epic ****.... thanks.
I'll be posting some more interesting jobless stuffs very shortly(this is just a beginning.I'll show u the real heights of joblessness ) Remember to read them if u have plenty of time to waste ;-)
cheeersss ........keep smiling :-)
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Few days left....
Only a few days left in my college. Yes im gonna pass out. Truely saying from my heart, i can't believe that 4 years have been fast. The experience can't be written in a page or two. It's much more than i could express in words. But now im not mentally prepared for that sort of a writing...only bcos...i may breakdown. So rewinding the full 4 years will be a big task..mentally. So i prefer to do that after its all over. There will be much 4 me to tell, hopefully.
Some likes are strange. Some loves are even more strange. And if its gonna be painful, those loves and likes should not happen. It should not. Don't know what will happen after grads, but some people are moving away from me for sure. They hold a special place in me, and how on earth im going to go through each day without seeing them.?? Every monday we see each other, till friday. Again the next monday.. ohh God from may be , june onwards im not going to ..sometimes not even see them..?
i feel it ...while typing these. Yes ..all will say,,,"its gonna be okay in some months..chill yaar". But i know, some of them will never get out of me. Cos they were close and yet so far.
i can't bear it because...they were close ...very close. And i can't bear it because ....yet they were far away from me.
ohh God, I had only started loving,.....
Some likes are strange. Some loves are even more strange. And if its gonna be painful, those loves and likes should not happen. It should not. Don't know what will happen after grads, but some people are moving away from me for sure. They hold a special place in me, and how on earth im going to go through each day without seeing them.?? Every monday we see each other, till friday. Again the next monday.. ohh God from may be , june onwards im not going to ..sometimes not even see them..?
i feel it ...while typing these. Yes ..all will say,,,"its gonna be okay in some months..chill yaar". But i know, some of them will never get out of me. Cos they were close and yet so far.
i can't bear it because...they were close ...very close. And i can't bear it because ....yet they were far away from me.
ohh God, I had only started loving,.....
Friday, December 12, 2008
The mysterious ones

Some rare seeds of human genes,
live with me you know..
With a witchy eageriness,
they shoot questions at me..
These cold-blooded are so "caring" ,
deserved to know everything..
Their eyes speak the truth,
that they have a graveyard in them..
Everready to outsmart you,
by any crooked means..
Others questions never answered,
Ohh!!! we are not even deserved for it..
With a feeling of a crowned emperor,
they go on questioning..
Do you know who these "stubborns" are..??
Ya..!..they are the "mysterious ones"...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Love-a special word,
for special people.
I had given my heart,
and i had fallen for someone..
And no regrets in saying that,
I was not lucky to get it back.
She was everything for me,
every breath taken for her...
my soul wandered endlessly,
for just a smile from her.
But i forgot the truths ,
that this world and its people hold...
it was so bitter to chew,
and so hard to digest..
For once, i thought...
i've come to an end.
Realisations poured upon me,
making me stronger and stronger...
I know its so hard to fix,
the broken pieces together again...
But those realisations..
Oh !..they are so powerful...
My thoughts have changed,
and my acts so powerful,
Thanks to the lessons,
which LOVE has taught me...
So, the not so special ones,
take my story as yours...
And never wait for anyone,
because you deserve much more......
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